A Soul Gifts Reading will reveal your Soul's special gifts and talents.
Your Soul has special skills which it has developed whilst in between incarnations and over many lifetimes. These skills are available for you to utilise in this lifetime too.
Some of your Soul gifts may come quite naturally to you, which often means they are overlooked and not considered a "gift" at all.
However, recognizing all of your Soul's gifts and using these in your every day life will help put you in the fast track to creating what you want in your life. Because the more you choose to express these gifts in your daily life, the more creative vital force energy you will embody. This can supercharge your manifesting abilities and help you to receive benefits through your gifts.
Watch out for more "green lights" and synchronicity!
When you shine your light in the world, it can literally light up those around you and radiate joy to all! What you radiate out - you attract back to you - bringing you more to be joyful and grateful for.
Your Soul Gifts Reading will show you where you are utilizing your gifts in your life and what new action may be needed to bring your gifts forward.
Are you ready to Empower Your Soul?
Your Soul has special skills which it has developed whilst in between incarnations and over many lifetimes. These skills are available for you to utilise in this lifetime too.
Some of your Soul gifts may come quite naturally to you, which often means they are overlooked and not considered a "gift" at all.
However, recognizing all of your Soul's gifts and using these in your every day life will help put you in the fast track to creating what you want in your life. Because the more you choose to express these gifts in your daily life, the more creative vital force energy you will embody. This can supercharge your manifesting abilities and help you to receive benefits through your gifts.
Watch out for more "green lights" and synchronicity!
When you shine your light in the world, it can literally light up those around you and radiate joy to all! What you radiate out - you attract back to you - bringing you more to be joyful and grateful for.
Your Soul Gifts Reading will show you where you are utilizing your gifts in your life and what new action may be needed to bring your gifts forward.
Are you ready to Empower Your Soul?
Soul Gifts Reading £44
A 45 minute session by phone, Zoom or Skype
A 45 minute session by phone, Zoom or Skype
N.B. This Reading includes some information provided in a Soul Realignment Reading. Contact me if you have any questions.
© 2023 Empower Your Soul