When you are on a spiritual path, in whatever form that may be for you, you are seeking answers, direction and knowledge about yourself, your place in the world, the universe, the spirit world and how it all works.
You have probably been drawn along a path of exploring different complimentary and alternative therapies, maybe meditation and yoga too, healing or energy practices, courses, books, talks and other events where metaphysical knowledge is gleaned.
This may have occurred synchronistically, being intuitively led on a path to self healing and discovery.
There will come a point on this path, where your search leads you to ask yourself “What am I here to do?”, and you will look to find your Soul purpose.
You have probably been drawn along a path of exploring different complimentary and alternative therapies, maybe meditation and yoga too, healing or energy practices, courses, books, talks and other events where metaphysical knowledge is gleaned.
This may have occurred synchronistically, being intuitively led on a path to self healing and discovery.
There will come a point on this path, where your search leads you to ask yourself “What am I here to do?”, and you will look to find your Soul purpose.
You may have found yourself looking “out there” for the answers. Asking the Creator, God, the Universe, Angels and even your Spirit Guides for a sign of what you are here to do. And when you can't perceive any answers you may remain in inertia, not knowing which way to turn next. You may doubt your options and look to others for answers.
The Truth is, YOU are here as the creator of your experience, and YOU have free will and choice as to what you create in your life. YOU get to decide what it is you want to do!
So rather than looking outside of yourself, or letting others make your choices for you, go within and let your Higher Self, through your intuition and gut reactions, help you make the right choices for you.
You do not walk alone in this because your personal team of Spirit Guides are with you every step of the way, though they cannot interfere with your free will. They can only help and guide you on your current intentions.
So if you are not setting any intentions, making choices or taking any action, then they cannot help you move forward or guide you.
To take no action is still making a choice, it's just not one that your Guides can give you much advice on!
When you want to find your Soul purpose, start taking steps towards the things that you love and feel passionate about and that bring you joy, and you will find that your Spirit Guides are there to help you along the way.
With Love and Light
Find out about your personal Spirit Guide team and how they help you with a Spirit Guide Reading.
The Truth is, YOU are here as the creator of your experience, and YOU have free will and choice as to what you create in your life. YOU get to decide what it is you want to do!
So rather than looking outside of yourself, or letting others make your choices for you, go within and let your Higher Self, through your intuition and gut reactions, help you make the right choices for you.
You do not walk alone in this because your personal team of Spirit Guides are with you every step of the way, though they cannot interfere with your free will. They can only help and guide you on your current intentions.
So if you are not setting any intentions, making choices or taking any action, then they cannot help you move forward or guide you.
To take no action is still making a choice, it's just not one that your Guides can give you much advice on!
When you want to find your Soul purpose, start taking steps towards the things that you love and feel passionate about and that bring you joy, and you will find that your Spirit Guides are there to help you along the way.
With Love and Light
Find out about your personal Spirit Guide team and how they help you with a Spirit Guide Reading.