Well you may be surprised to learn that these are actually the same thing in different stages.
An Earthbound Spirit is a Soul who has not transitioned to the Spirit World properly and has become stuck on the Earth Plane.
This can happen for a number of reasons, such as sudden and traumatic death, being very attached to their physical existence or to someone still incarnated (i.e. a loved one), or it may have been a young child passing or a soul who hasn't incarnated many times before and they do not know the Soul transition process well. For whatever reason they become stuck in the Earth Plane and are confused and disorientated as they do not realise they are dead!
Because an Earthbound Spirit can no longer connect to Source, they need to attach to an incarnated Soul to create their vital force energy and this will usually be with someone they know, such as a family member/loved one. At Soul level the family member agrees to the attachment. This attachment can become draining for the family member.
An Earthbound Spirit is a Soul who has not transitioned to the Spirit World properly and has become stuck on the Earth Plane.
This can happen for a number of reasons, such as sudden and traumatic death, being very attached to their physical existence or to someone still incarnated (i.e. a loved one), or it may have been a young child passing or a soul who hasn't incarnated many times before and they do not know the Soul transition process well. For whatever reason they become stuck in the Earth Plane and are confused and disorientated as they do not realise they are dead!
Because an Earthbound Spirit can no longer connect to Source, they need to attach to an incarnated Soul to create their vital force energy and this will usually be with someone they know, such as a family member/loved one. At Soul level the family member agrees to the attachment. This attachment can become draining for the family member.
It is important here to not confuse this with a visit from your loved one after their passing. Many Souls when they leave their human bodies after death, initially remain on the Earth Plane to try and comfort their loved ones and even to attend their own funerals. These Souls though transition on to the Spirit World when they are ready. They can also visit their loved ones here and still be contacted, for example through a reputable Medium.
So I am talking about those who are indefinitely stuck here and haven't transitioned.
Over time the Earthbound Spirit learns to draw energy from their environment, and is no longer reliant on the person they knew for their energy. This can take a long time to achieve and by this time it is likely that the person they knew and were attached to has already passed on themselves.
The Earthbound Spirit can now move from place to place and can even show itself and be heard and we refer to this as a Ghost.
I have had Clients reporting hearing footsteps upstairs in their homes, however no one is up there. In fact I have experienced this myself when I was babysitting for some people many years ago, and heard footsteps upstairs in their spare bedroom. When I went upstairs there was no one there and the children were asleep. When I spoke to the parents, they were well aware of their resident Ghost, who was a lady, and that they quite liked having her there as they felt that she kept an eye on the children!
Another Client was astonished to find a male Ghost in bed with her! She doesn't know who was more surprised, as he wasn't happy at finding her there either!
I have also had the experience of feeling/sensing a Ghost myself. When my daughter was little I used to think she had run into our room in the night and jumped on the bed, only to find that she was still asleep in her room. I later found out that I had a Ghost of a little girl living with us. It was in fact partly through this experience that led me to Soul Realignment™ and the desire to be able to help move on these Souls myself.
Ghosts can create a discordant energy in their environment which can affect those living in the property and I always check the energy it resonates to so my Clients know what energy they have been upholding.
It is not often that a Ghost attaches to a person, but if we do choose to live somewhere with a Ghost and we have vibrational likeness to the Ghost, then it may attach to us, but we have to allow that attachment at a Soul level.
Some people become quite attached to the Ghosts they live with!
Poltergeists are Ghosts that have gained enough power from their environment to move energy and objects, materialise and make noises. They have a chaotic and erratic energy pattern and it is often difficult to keep a place organised and tidy that has a Poltergeist in it. They enjoy hiding shiny objects and draw energy from the chaos and fear they create in their environment.
One of my Clients reported watching picture frames in her home being taken off the wall and thrown onto the floor by an invisible force. This is a Poltergeist in action! Luckily they are fairly rare.
It is important to note that at all times we have free will and choice. We have chosen to live in our property, and are attracted to properties that are a like vibrational match to our energy at that time.
It is also our choice to uphold the energies present in a property and at any time we can choose to not uphold that energy pattern.
So to summarise - an Earthbound Spirit does not transition properly, attaches to someone it knows, learns to draw energy from its environment, show itself and be heard (a Ghost) and eventually can gain enough power to move energy and objects (a Poltergeist) and manipulate its environment.
Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts and Poltergeists need to be escorted through the astral planes by Spirit Guides from the Third Order, who are responsible for escorting Souls in and out of incarnation. They cannot make this request themselves.
It is empowering for my Clients to finally reclaim their properties, and heart warming to know that the trapped Souls can finally make their way to the Spirit World and reconnect to Source.
With Love and Light
If your property is subject to paranormal activity contact me now for a Property Reading and clearing.
So I am talking about those who are indefinitely stuck here and haven't transitioned.
Over time the Earthbound Spirit learns to draw energy from their environment, and is no longer reliant on the person they knew for their energy. This can take a long time to achieve and by this time it is likely that the person they knew and were attached to has already passed on themselves.
The Earthbound Spirit can now move from place to place and can even show itself and be heard and we refer to this as a Ghost.
I have had Clients reporting hearing footsteps upstairs in their homes, however no one is up there. In fact I have experienced this myself when I was babysitting for some people many years ago, and heard footsteps upstairs in their spare bedroom. When I went upstairs there was no one there and the children were asleep. When I spoke to the parents, they were well aware of their resident Ghost, who was a lady, and that they quite liked having her there as they felt that she kept an eye on the children!
Another Client was astonished to find a male Ghost in bed with her! She doesn't know who was more surprised, as he wasn't happy at finding her there either!
I have also had the experience of feeling/sensing a Ghost myself. When my daughter was little I used to think she had run into our room in the night and jumped on the bed, only to find that she was still asleep in her room. I later found out that I had a Ghost of a little girl living with us. It was in fact partly through this experience that led me to Soul Realignment™ and the desire to be able to help move on these Souls myself.
Ghosts can create a discordant energy in their environment which can affect those living in the property and I always check the energy it resonates to so my Clients know what energy they have been upholding.
It is not often that a Ghost attaches to a person, but if we do choose to live somewhere with a Ghost and we have vibrational likeness to the Ghost, then it may attach to us, but we have to allow that attachment at a Soul level.
Some people become quite attached to the Ghosts they live with!
Poltergeists are Ghosts that have gained enough power from their environment to move energy and objects, materialise and make noises. They have a chaotic and erratic energy pattern and it is often difficult to keep a place organised and tidy that has a Poltergeist in it. They enjoy hiding shiny objects and draw energy from the chaos and fear they create in their environment.
One of my Clients reported watching picture frames in her home being taken off the wall and thrown onto the floor by an invisible force. This is a Poltergeist in action! Luckily they are fairly rare.
It is important to note that at all times we have free will and choice. We have chosen to live in our property, and are attracted to properties that are a like vibrational match to our energy at that time.
It is also our choice to uphold the energies present in a property and at any time we can choose to not uphold that energy pattern.
So to summarise - an Earthbound Spirit does not transition properly, attaches to someone it knows, learns to draw energy from its environment, show itself and be heard (a Ghost) and eventually can gain enough power to move energy and objects (a Poltergeist) and manipulate its environment.
Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts and Poltergeists need to be escorted through the astral planes by Spirit Guides from the Third Order, who are responsible for escorting Souls in and out of incarnation. They cannot make this request themselves.
It is empowering for my Clients to finally reclaim their properties, and heart warming to know that the trapped Souls can finally make their way to the Spirit World and reconnect to Source.
With Love and Light
If your property is subject to paranormal activity contact me now for a Property Reading and clearing.