As we start the New Year and the new energies that 2018 brings, for many it is a time to reflect on how the past year has panned out, and what positive changes we want to make for the coming year.
Resolutions are made and intentions are set. However, how many of these are actually carried out? How many good intentions fall by the wayside?
Here are some tips for setting resolutions you can follow through with:
Resolutions are made and intentions are set. However, how many of these are actually carried out? How many good intentions fall by the wayside?
Here are some tips for setting resolutions you can follow through with:
If you give yourself 'inflated' goals that subconsciously you don't believe you can achieve, or that you are only half-heartedly committed to, you are setting yourself up for failure before you've even begun.
When setting your intention, take it to the mirror – look in your eyes - and say your intention out loud to yourself. See what thoughts and feelings surface as you do this. Do you truly believe what you are saying can come true?
You may be surprised at what you hadn't realised was subconsciously holding you back! - MAKE IT CLEAR
Ensure that what you 'think' you want, is actually what you want and be very clear in your focus and intention on that goal.
Imagine yourself with your goal – how does your desired outcome look, sound and feel to you? If necessary, change it to one that sits right with you and that you truly desire. - MAKE IT MANAGEABLE
Once you have an intention that you do believe with all your heart can come true, and you do really desire, this is the one to go for. But how do you follow through on it?
To get from A – Z you need to break it down into bite size chunks that you can deal with one step at a time. Make a plan with action steps you can take daily towards your goal.
Remember that new action creates new results! - MAKE IT TRUE
Use the power of prayer, visualisation and affirmations to help make your dreams come true!
You have many prayer beings, Angels and guides who are helping you with your current intentions from the Spirit world. All you need to do is ask for their help and they will then work for you, behind the scenes, to help your prayer come true. (As long as the request is made with good intention, does not affect anyone's free will and is for your highest good). Ask out loud, or via your thoughts, for their help with manifesting your goal and taking action towards it.
Visualise yourself as though you already have your desired outcome. Imagine, see, feel this goal as though you are experiencing it now.
Create an affirmation that affirms you have achieved your goal and say this statement as often as possible. When setting this affirmation – remember to look in your eyes in the mirror and check whether any subconscious beliefs are negating your affirmation. If necessary, change the affirmation to one you truly believe can come true, or put “I am willing …” or “I allow ...” before the affirmation.
Be in an open and receptive space of allowing your goal to be achieved.
Do not allow your thoughts to negate your goal – don't let yourself think negatively about this goal e.g. I can't do this, or have this, or achieve this. Think only positively about it.
Have faith, belief and trust that it can come true.
Continue using all of the steps above, particularly taking new action, to make your goal happen!
May 2018 be filled with many blessings for you and may you achieve all of your New Year's Resolutions!
If you would like to know what energies 2018 is bringing for you, book your 12 month Soul Coaching Medicine-Wheel Oracle Card Reading now.