The best hairdresser will find it hard to cut the back of their own hair, the most professional masseuse will be unable to give their back the quality of massage they can give their clients and the most expert surgeon is unable to perform a complex operation on themselves.
The fact is, we all need to go to others for help at times in our lives. We are born to create and share with others, even the act of producing a baby takes more than one person. Giving value through service, sharing of our skills and services, helping each other, creating connection and community. Whether that assistance comes from family, friends, colleagues, peers, paid services, professionals or our helpers in Spirit, the important thing is to ask for and accept help when needed.
Throughout the past 11 years of my personal spiritual journey and work with my clients, I have still used the services of others to assist me along my path. That does not stop me being of great service to my clients.
Many of my clients are themselves spiritual healers, teachers and practitioners.
The founder of Rahanni created a CD for practitioners entitled "Healing for the Healer". Yes, healers can need healing too!
As I have always said, we are all teachers and students as we all have much we can teach or help others with, but can also learn and receive help from others as well.
It is not negative to be at a low point, vulnerable, or in need of help. In fact this tends to be when huge self growth and transformation occurs.
I took some months off to deal with my personal circumstances, and needed that time for self work, rest and rejuvenation. I am settled in my new home and delighted to announce that I am now taking bookings again for Akashic Record Readings, including Soul Realignment.
My expertise is working with the Akashic Records to help you.
I look forward to being of service to you.
with Love and Light
Louise x
Throughout the past 11 years of my personal spiritual journey and work with my clients, I have still used the services of others to assist me along my path. That does not stop me being of great service to my clients.
Many of my clients are themselves spiritual healers, teachers and practitioners.
The founder of Rahanni created a CD for practitioners entitled "Healing for the Healer". Yes, healers can need healing too!
As I have always said, we are all teachers and students as we all have much we can teach or help others with, but can also learn and receive help from others as well.
It is not negative to be at a low point, vulnerable, or in need of help. In fact this tends to be when huge self growth and transformation occurs.
I took some months off to deal with my personal circumstances, and needed that time for self work, rest and rejuvenation. I am settled in my new home and delighted to announce that I am now taking bookings again for Akashic Record Readings, including Soul Realignment.
My expertise is working with the Akashic Records to help you.
I look forward to being of service to you.
with Love and Light
Louise x