Wow, I have just undergone a very powerful meditation and talk with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild to do with the understanding of what is happening regarding the Coronavirus.
I would like to share this with you at this time when there is a lot of fear and scaremongering on the planet, as well as add my own tips to help you.
These are some of the main points of what is occurring:
I would like to share this with you at this time when there is a lot of fear and scaremongering on the planet, as well as add my own tips to help you.
These are some of the main points of what is occurring:
- This is a wake up call as to how we have been treating the animals on Earth, because the virus started with animals.
- It is creating communication and cooperation between the nations
- It is reminding us to look after ourselves and take care of ourselves e.g. proper hygiene (I've seen plenty of people not wash their hands after going to the toilet or coughing into their hands and then touching door handles, yuk), not to go to work when you are ill but to take care of yourself (which also practices consideration of others by not spreading it), to be mindful about what you are eating (i.e. foods/drink that supports your health and well-being/recovery)
- To focus on your family more than work
- It is an opportunity to dissolve fear with LOVE
Tonight many Souls, myself included, led by Diana and Tim, set up a grid of LOVE and LIGHT around the planet to raise the vibration, release fear and open everyone's hearts with LOVE.
We could see, feel and experience this, and were touched and 'lit up' by the Archangels and Ascended Masters who were assisting.
They remind that:
Use prayer, intention and/or visualisation to do so.
Here are some tips I'd love to share with you, which you can use from a place of LOVE not fear:
- We are completely supported by the Universe and Higher Realms
- We are Masters of ourselves and our reality
- We have complete control over what happens in our reality
- We can stay in a high vibration and rise above the fear
- We can spread LOVE and react with LOVE
- We can all tune into the web of LOVE and LIGHT at any time and transcend the lower frequencies
Use prayer, intention and/or visualisation to do so.
Here are some tips I'd love to share with you, which you can use from a place of LOVE not fear:
- Place yourself in a ball of golden white light by intending, visualising, or requesting it is so, to keep your energy in a high vibration.
- Use Archangel Zadkiel's Silver Violet Flame of Light to transmute lower energies.
- Ask that a viral vortex (that protects you from viruses) is put around you and your loved ones.
- Eat a daily spoonful of raw active honey which is antiviral and antibacterial, and have more often if you feel unwell.
- Gargle with water that you add sea salt to when you feel a sore throat or illness coming on, and think about what it is you need to say or speak up about.
- Up your intake of Vitamin C, particularly from fruits.
- Picture loved ones well and happy, and send them LOVE (and do this for yourself).
God bless you all,
with LOVE and LIGHT
Louise x
with LOVE and LIGHT
Louise x
Do contact me if you would like to raise your vibration and clear negativity through Soul Realignment, a Property Clearing or Rahanni Celestial Healing.