I deliberated on the title of this blog article, as it could just as easily say 'Signs from Spirit', or 'Signs from your Spirit Guides', or 'Signs from the Angels', or even 'Signs from God or Heaven'.
The fact is that the Universe is always talking to us and this can come from a mixture of sources – whether Guides, Angels, departed loved ones, Spirit Helpers,etc
The key is to be open and conscious of the signs and to decipher the message.
So, for example, today I got a message for myself, when I saw the words 'Alcohol Free' in large letters on a mouthwash bottle that had been left out in our bathroom. That for me was a sign from Spirit to say that I need to avoid alcohol as it interferes with not only my energy vibration and my ability to tune into Spirit, but also my body's ability to heal itself.
A sign can come in many ways – through something someone says to you, a gift someone gives you, an overheard conversation, song lyrics, words on street signs, a message or picture in a book or magazine, by email or social media (I often get messages in the titles of spam emails!). It may be something a little out of the ordinary, or something you suddenly become aware of.
The fact is that the Universe is always talking to us and this can come from a mixture of sources – whether Guides, Angels, departed loved ones, Spirit Helpers,etc
The key is to be open and conscious of the signs and to decipher the message.
So, for example, today I got a message for myself, when I saw the words 'Alcohol Free' in large letters on a mouthwash bottle that had been left out in our bathroom. That for me was a sign from Spirit to say that I need to avoid alcohol as it interferes with not only my energy vibration and my ability to tune into Spirit, but also my body's ability to heal itself.
A sign can come in many ways – through something someone says to you, a gift someone gives you, an overheard conversation, song lyrics, words on street signs, a message or picture in a book or magazine, by email or social media (I often get messages in the titles of spam emails!). It may be something a little out of the ordinary, or something you suddenly become aware of.
I particularly receive messages through the numbers I see going about my daily life. From the number on a taxi cab ahead of me whilst I am driving, to the the locker number I choose at the gym, to a door number I notice whilst stopped in traffic, or to the number on a dustbin left outside on bin day. It's no coincidence the numbers we all see – there is meaning to them.
You can look up the meaning of numbers in Doreen Virtue's book 'Angel Numbers 101' and there is also an app available. Alternatively, there are some websites which provide meanings to the numbers.
I also love getting messages from the Animal and Bird Kingdom. I will either see the actual physical animal or bird, or a picture of one, or the name of it somewhere, or hear it mentioned. There are animal and bird signs everywhere. I tune into what that animal symbolises to me, and also look up their messages in Stephen Farmer's book 'Animal Spirit Guides'.
Particularly pay attention when the sign comes in multiple times. It is often in hindsight I will realise I've seen a bird or animal sign that is trying to get my attention. The message will get louder and clearer if we miss the first signs!
For example, when my daughter was young I was driving somewhere and had noticed a small Rhinoceros sign on the back of a 4x4. I thought nothing of it. The following day I helped my daughter on to one of those machines for children to sit on, that you can put money in and it moves and makes noises. This one was a yellow digger – and to be honest, not one she would normally have chosen to go on. Whilst she was on it, I realised there was a massive Rhinoceros image on the side of it. When I later checked the meaning of Rhinoceros it was an important message for me.
A message may also come through as an inner urge to do something – to call someone, or book an appointment, or check your messages, or sign up for a course, or read a particular book. You will be drawn to the help you seek and you'll get there quicker if you ask for help with what you want. Just ask out loud for help and if it is for your highest good, and not against the will of anyone else, and not being asked out of a negative intention, then all of Heaven will work together to help you with your request.
In order to get these messages, you need to be consciously aware and mindful for them. When you open your eyes and tune in with your ears – you will find that the Universe is 'talking' to you all the time. Enjoy the conversation!
You can look up the meaning of numbers in Doreen Virtue's book 'Angel Numbers 101' and there is also an app available. Alternatively, there are some websites which provide meanings to the numbers.
I also love getting messages from the Animal and Bird Kingdom. I will either see the actual physical animal or bird, or a picture of one, or the name of it somewhere, or hear it mentioned. There are animal and bird signs everywhere. I tune into what that animal symbolises to me, and also look up their messages in Stephen Farmer's book 'Animal Spirit Guides'.
Particularly pay attention when the sign comes in multiple times. It is often in hindsight I will realise I've seen a bird or animal sign that is trying to get my attention. The message will get louder and clearer if we miss the first signs!
For example, when my daughter was young I was driving somewhere and had noticed a small Rhinoceros sign on the back of a 4x4. I thought nothing of it. The following day I helped my daughter on to one of those machines for children to sit on, that you can put money in and it moves and makes noises. This one was a yellow digger – and to be honest, not one she would normally have chosen to go on. Whilst she was on it, I realised there was a massive Rhinoceros image on the side of it. When I later checked the meaning of Rhinoceros it was an important message for me.
A message may also come through as an inner urge to do something – to call someone, or book an appointment, or check your messages, or sign up for a course, or read a particular book. You will be drawn to the help you seek and you'll get there quicker if you ask for help with what you want. Just ask out loud for help and if it is for your highest good, and not against the will of anyone else, and not being asked out of a negative intention, then all of Heaven will work together to help you with your request.
In order to get these messages, you need to be consciously aware and mindful for them. When you open your eyes and tune in with your ears – you will find that the Universe is 'talking' to you all the time. Enjoy the conversation!