The Earth and all upon it are going through a process known as Ascension. I am called to share this channelled message that may bring guidance and wisdom which can help you in your life and what you may be going through.
Some may receive all of the message, some may receive part and some may not resonate with it at all.
There is no judgment.
All is well.
With blessings,
p.s. I myself do not make predictions and these are not my own words. This is a channelled message written as it was received.
Some may receive all of the message, some may receive part and some may not resonate with it at all.
There is no judgment.
All is well.
With blessings,
p.s. I myself do not make predictions and these are not my own words. This is a channelled message written as it was received.
Welcome, welcome, welcome. This is Pallas Athena and the Council of Light.
Much is changing on Planet Earth at this time in great history. The planet's ascension is assured. The changes are not always easy but they are necessary to bring in the Golden and New Earth that is the ascended aspect of Mandolay. The Shangri-La of a new age and a new dawn. Not all will make the journey and this is known at soul level. Do not fret for these souls as as they have made a choice at soul level to continue on other planets and locations. Many still have karma to pay and things to play out at a more 3d level. They will ascend in "time". Just not this "time".
"Time" as you know it is changing - collapsing as the planet's energy fields rise. The "now-ness" is coming. Living in the present. Living in awareness. Conscious beings of the 5th dimension.
The breath is important. Much wisdom, codes and light is coming in the breath. These codes - light codes - make it easier for all to process and make the necessary changes. Changes in consciousness. These changes in consciousness help to lift the awareness and change the physiology of the psyche and the body.
Light language may come forth spontaneously. Telepathy will be more common. Messages will be transferred immediately so others will receive them and synchronicities will increase.
Instant karma for payback is occurring so that "no karma" will be taken or needed in the New Earth. Earthly contracts at deep levels are being repaid.
Much is changing on Planet Earth at this time in great history. The planet's ascension is assured. The changes are not always easy but they are necessary to bring in the Golden and New Earth that is the ascended aspect of Mandolay. The Shangri-La of a new age and a new dawn. Not all will make the journey and this is known at soul level. Do not fret for these souls as as they have made a choice at soul level to continue on other planets and locations. Many still have karma to pay and things to play out at a more 3d level. They will ascend in "time". Just not this "time".
"Time" as you know it is changing - collapsing as the planet's energy fields rise. The "now-ness" is coming. Living in the present. Living in awareness. Conscious beings of the 5th dimension.
The breath is important. Much wisdom, codes and light is coming in the breath. These codes - light codes - make it easier for all to process and make the necessary changes. Changes in consciousness. These changes in consciousness help to lift the awareness and change the physiology of the psyche and the body.
Light language may come forth spontaneously. Telepathy will be more common. Messages will be transferred immediately so others will receive them and synchronicities will increase.
Instant karma for payback is occurring so that "no karma" will be taken or needed in the New Earth. Earthly contracts at deep levels are being repaid.